baptism by sweat

Well... what more can i say. You look outside your window. It is raining sun out here. You feel the heat. your mind is racing. You can almost hear it panting thoughts. You start to sweat... Welcome to Chennai!

Friday, March 03, 2006

The phone rings at 7:30 this morning... Saturday morning. the one after Friday night.

It was my landlord. "We tried calling you all evening. Where were you?" Apparently he tried my landline and it had been disconnected. So he was all discombulated.

Maybe is was BSNL. Don't even get me started on those bunch of plier happy nincompoops who idea of customer service ends with dotty old pre-menepausal women screaming into the phone. Or a meaningless recorded message informing us of nothing!

Maybe it was me. Whose idea of bill payments is a variation of the "lazy fetch" operation

Anyway he woke me up.


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